If you want to receive notification on reaching your disk quota, bandwidth usage limit, reaching email disk quota or want to update your cpanel contact information, follow these steps.
1. Log into your cpanel account. 2. In the "Preferences" section, click on "Contact Information" Icon.
3. You should see an input box under the line that says "This is an email address at which the system can contact you. This should be an email address that is not on your account." This should be an email address that is not on your account if you have one. Update your existing email address or add your secondary email address in the second email input box.
The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the most important development of Data Protection Law for decades. It will strengthen and ultimately replace the existing Data Protection Act (1998) and is designed to protect the personal
data and privacy of citizens across Europe. GDPR will not be affected by the UK’s exit from the EU and the Regulation comes fully into effect on 25 May 2018.